"I love my 'smiling' eyes."
-Isabelle Segreti
"I love my face b/c I can see my both my Mom & Dad and my very mixed heritage in it. It makes me happy :)"
- Jennifer Brennan
"I love my face because when I look at it I see elements of my beautiful mom, grandma, aunt and daughter and all the strong, gentle, kind, intelligent women before them that helped frame the person I've become and strive to be..."
- Jennifer Vasile
"I love my face, because it's just me. I see truth and genuineness in my face. I'm real and haven't changed for anyone."
- Julie Steiner
"Besides my smile...I love my brown eyes. Reminds me a lot of my grandfather who I was very close with."
- Melanie Smith
"I love that when I smile I can see my mom and it reassures me that she is always with me."
- Rachel Silverstein Cancemi
"I love my face because it is mine, and has been for over 70 years!"
- Richard Dix
"I love my... My wrinkles lol …I would have to say my eyes."
- Robin Jennings
"I love my... Smile. I think a smile says a lot and as long as it makes other people smile, it works for me."
- Robyn Ong
"I love my smooth, healthy, overall low maintenance and blemish free skin. Add a smile and I’m good to go!"
- Stacey Gartstein
"I love my mole."
-Susan Blayer
I love my eyes and lips! The older I get the more
I adore them! Oh... And my nose TOO!"
-Tasha Bigelow
"I love my face because it reminds me that being
strong/unique/interesting/real is far more
compelling than being 'perfect'"
-Trish McAndrews
"I love my... eyes or lips; take your pick"
-Vanessa Howes
"I like my eyes best of all."
-Vilma Andoos